One more “Schmuck Parade” story and then I promise I’ll move on…
Recently, I signed up on, a free internet dating site. As you might imagine, because it’s free, it’s filled with ads and not as well organized or user friendly as or Nonetheless, my profile’s been seeing more action there than elsewhere so for the time being, I’ll keep my line in the water.
Yesterday, I received the following email from 32-year-old Mike, a guy who doesn’t happen to be Jewish:
“You come across as very friendly and down to earth. Would you like to talk?”
Kudos to him for reaching out, for being in the right city, for writing two separate and distinct sentences, and for using proper punctuation in each one. Believe me, that’s more than I get from most.
Given his age and his religious affiliation, however, I wrote back: “Hi and thanks for your note. I appreciate your interest, but I am in search of a 40-something Jewish guy. Good luck to you.”
To which he replied: “I hope you find what you are looking for. Happy Easter.”
Oy gevalt!
pof is a good site. doesn't have the filters that other sites have, but i have been with my boyfriend for 8 months and we met on there. however, that is a great story haha.