I didn’t even think about it. Back in June, having barely finished sitting
shiva for my mother,
I signed up. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

And almost immediately, the donations started. In just a few days time I’d hit the $250 mark. A few days later, $300. And so it went throughout the summer. This past Friday, I topped $2500. The credit, though, goes to you, my family and friends, some of whom I’ve known a lifetime, others I’ve never actually met. No matter, though; each and every one of you has graciously and generously supported a cause that has importance and meaning to me and my family, and I am extremely grateful.

As important as the financial support, however, is the emotional support you showered upon me in the days leading up to the Race…and most especially today. Countless phone calls, texts, emails, and Facebook messages sent me on my way and assured me that even as I strode alone among the throngs on Central Park West at the start of the Race and tearily watched the parade of survivors at the end, I wasn’t really alone. Like the two angels who hang with us on Shabbat, so, too, were each of you—and my mom—striding along right beside me.
Thanks so much…it was good to have you along for the ride! (For more photos from the Race,
click here.)
what an awesome tribute to your mom. you rock!!!!