Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shabbat D'varim: A Top 10 List

 Credit:  Words with Friends
A while back, I wrote a Top 10 List for Shabbat Kedoshim.  Today was a different kind of Shabbat…

10. I kept hitting the snooze button…on both the alarm clock and the iPhone.

9.  When I finally rolled over at 10:13 a.m., my minyan buddies were getting ready to open to page 172 for Ma Tovu.  I was still in my jammies.

8.  Once I got out of bed—at about the time they probably were finishing t’filah ha-lev and turning to the Torah service—I didn’t bother making it.

7.  By noon, when services were over and everyone was putting a schmear on their bagels, drinking the brown mud that passes for coffee and opening their Plaut-Bamberger Torah Commentaries, I was reading the paper leisurely.

6.  I caught up on my emails and played a few rounds of Words with Friends.

5.  I also took care of a bit of long overdue blog maintenance…and wrote this post.

4.  I shmyed around on Facebook, vacationing vicariously with friends at Arches National Park, Tanglewood, San Jose and Kutz Camp, where today was Celebrate Dorothy Walrond Day.

3.  I read a bit in my latest book, The People of Forever are Not Afraid.  Stay tuned for a review.

2.  To be fair, I also read a few pages in Les Miserables.  After all, tomorrow is Bastille Day.

1.  Later, when it’s time to go to bed, I won’t have to unmake my bed.

Shavua tov!