I nominate for #SunshineAward (jewishspecialneeds.blogspot.
Many thanks to Lisa Friedman, who not only mentioned me in her tweet, but also nominated me for a #SunshineAward. I'm honored that Lisa has provided an opportunity for her readers to learn more about me, and that she believes my writing makes a significant contribution to the blogging community.
As Lisa has already done, I am about to pay it forward by nominating other bloggers for a #Sunshine Award based on the "rules" detailed in Lisa's post:
- Acknowledge the nominating blogger (Thanks again, Lisa).
- Share 11 random facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
- List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love!
- Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. (You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.)
- I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a writer. As part of a second grade book binding project, I insisted that the last page of my book be entitled "About the Author," which was a short (I was, after all, only seven) bio about me.
- Likewise, in The Homecoming, the movie that launched The Waltons television series, I was insanely envious of John-Boy, who received a stack of yellow writing pads as a Christmas gift from his Daddy near the end of the movie.
- I have two of the same tattoo, a fact that comes as no surprise to regular readers of this blog.
- In high school, I took a career assessment test. The results suggested I'd be a good nun. Hmmm...
- I studied Russian and Latin in high school.
- I'm a big fan of Jewish music and listen to it often.
- I'm not a big fan of television and have never seen a full episode of either Friends or Seinfeld.
- I'm incredibly out of touch with pop culture and couldn't identify Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe or Natalie Portman if my life depended on it.
- I could live on carbs--french fries, mac and cheese, and pasta (any shape or size) are my all-time favorites.
- I've visited Barrow, AK, but never Chicago, IL, except to change planes at O'Hare.
- I'm still in regular contact with Mrs. Chromczak, my fourth grade teacher
- If you could cast yourself in any reality TV show, which would it be and why? I have no idea...see #7 above!
- Crunchy or smooth peanut butter? Crunchy
- Favorite place to vacation? Someplace I've never been before...perhaps Chicago. See #10 above!
- What animal most describes your personality? A canine mutt...happy to go out to explore and play during the day, but also wants to be snug and cozy at home each night.
- Favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky road
- Cookie or cake? Cookie, but only when it's a black and white, which, when it's done right, has the consistency of a moist cake.
- Describe your ideal day. Sleeping in, breakfast out, writing in a cafe and then back home to read, relax and nap.
- What is your favorite season? Winter
- What is your favorite thing about blogging? Love the writing...and the feedback!
- How do you relax? If I was better at it, maybe I wouldn't have high blood pressure?
- What did you have for breakfast? Yoplait Greek yogurt (vanilla flavor) over a cubed Ginger Gold apple.
- Ima on (and off) the Bima
- Superman Sam
- This Messy Life
- Greatest Escapist
- Stumbling towards meaning
- Elevated Risk
Finally, for the bloggers I've just nominated for a #Sunshine Award, here are my 11 random questions for you:
- What's your favorite book from childhood?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- Coffee or tea?
- Favorite food?
- What was the make and model of the first car you owned?
- Do you have a library card for the town in which you live?
- When was the last time you used that library card?
- What's the most exotic or offbeat place to which you've traveled?
- Are you hosting Thanksgiving or being hosted?
- Did you pass your drivers test the first time you took it?
- What mode of transportation do you use most often to get to work?
Happy blogging!