Wednesday, January 1, 2014

More and Less in 2014

So many lists, so many resolutions, the best of, the worst of, the trends to expect, last year's top 10...

Looking ahead, here are some "wish lists" for the new year:

  1. Water
  2. Reading
  3. Relaxing
  4. Appreciating
  5. Cooking
  6. Photos
  7. Writing
  8. Doodling
  9. Breathing
  10. Time with friends
  1. Kvetching
  2. Worrying
  3. Wasting time
  4. Expecting of others (and myself)
  5. Planning
  6. Coffee
  7. Frustration
  8. Rushing
  9. Anger
  10. Frivolous screen time
No pressure, 2014, just some thoughts before heading back to work...