Thursday, August 31, 2017

#BlogElul 5777: See

I’m sure I’m one of only a handful of people who actually reconciles my credit card statement with my receipts, but I like to see that everything is in order before I pay the bill each month.

Tonight, I saw a charge that gave me pause – and it wasn’t one I had tracked in my spreadsheet of expenses. (Yes, I track my expenses daily in a spreadsheet…stop laughing.) A few phone calls later a fraud case has been opened, my card has been canceled, and a new one will arrive on Tuesday.

In the meantime, this experience serves as a reminder to pay attention, look closely, and remember that just because we may see things a certain way doesn't mean everyone else sees them that way. too – all good lessons as the new year approaches.

Inspired by Ima on (and off) the Bima , this #BlogElul post is one in a series marking the days of the Hebrew month of Elul, which precede the Jewish High Holidays and traditionally serve as a time of reflection and spiritual preparation for the new year.